Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dice Porn - aka how I learned to love D&D

It’s been a minute since I’ve last been on the blog. Months, probably even a year or so. No matter, I’m going to share my latest obsession with you, Dungeons & Dragons. Even more specifically, the pretty, pretty dice in my current collection.

All photos by @glitchmatic. Lips & Dice are mine

 It’s hard to believe I just started playing for the first time in January of this year. I’m pretty lucky my boyfriend is a feckin’ amazing Dungeon Master and had all the guides, tiles, minis and game modules  to start not one but two different campaigns for me and my friends.

 J has played Dungeons & Dragons since forever ago and rekindled his desire to play again after watching HarmonQuest. Since getting back into the game we have both fueled our D&D obsession even more by listening to The Adventure Zone and watching Critical Role. What J didn’t realize is the plethora of colorful, shimmery, gorgeous dice appealing to female players now available.

What started with a set of navy blue dice with bronze lettering- my Ravenclaw House colors - has now blossomed into multiple sets of swirly, sparkly, colorful dice. I love the aesthetics D&D is host to. I love all the fantastic, magical, creative characters you can role play as. I don’t plan on stopping with these dice photos either, I hope to create more art as tribute to the greatest game of all time.


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