Friday, June 27, 2014

6 Easy Tips for Surviving Your Next Outdoor Music Festival

Because you don’t want to be this guy. Source: Flickr My first time attending a three day outdoor music festival I went alone, slept in my car, and almost had a run in with the police. Let me back up a bit. Once I had freshly graduated college, I moved to Austin to work as Production Assistant.  That did not work out as planned but I did get introduced to the outdoor festival, Austin City Limits Music Festival.  The first...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Lessons Learned from Gargoyles: The Animated Series

While out shopping last night for some mouse traps and cereal (mine is a life of glamour and luxury), I came across a DVD of the Gargoyles: The Animated Series.  I had to stop and send a picture to my sister.  This show used to be our hardcore jam and introduced to me Shakespeare’s Macbeth and a Midsummer’s Night Dream. All for the low, low price of  $9.96 If you have not watched the series, stop reading and move...

Friday, June 6, 2014

Must Watch - SyFy's "Heroes of Cosplay"

I’m currently watching the second season of SyFy’s reality series “Heroes of Cosplay” and I gotta level with you guys, I actually really like this show. I have never done cosplay, which for those that are not familiar, is when fans of any genre dress up as their favorite characters from books, video games, movies, tv, anime, cartoons, websites, you name it.  Most times you see cosplayers that either commission or make their own costumes,...