Friday, December 26, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Give Thanks - The #1 Thing I'm Most Thankful for This Year

I’m thankful for my sisters. Five years ago, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, my dad passed away.  It wasn't tragic or even totally unexpected.  Our dad just succumbed to his ongoing health problems and passed due to natural causes.  At age 47.  Leaving three adult children and twin 6 year old girls....

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up - Cake, Dia de los Muertos, and oh yeah - Go Vote!

Hola Amigos! This past weekend was quite busy. Friday - I raced home to pass out candy at my house, then put together a sorry looking witch costume, looked in the mirror, decided it was too cold outside, and flopped back down on the couch.   No regrets.  Saturday - I went to to the Untapped Festival in South Dallas to see Cake headline.  Sweater weather had finally hit Texas, so there was crazy long lines to get in, crazy...

Friday, October 31, 2014

Birthday Getaway to The Windy City

Hello there.  I'm back up to full speed, after returning from a five day trip to Chicago with my best friend.  We both have our birthdays in October and were looking at some extra vacation time at our respective jobs.  We stayed with her family in Des Plaines, and took some day long trips to Lincoln Park, the Navy Pier and Evanston...

Monday, October 13, 2014

State Fair of Texas - Return of the Fried Foods

Hello there!  Just before celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog, I went to the annual State Fair of Texas, one of the biggest, loudest, craziest state fairs in the country.  I actually went twice.  Once with my friends around dusk (pictured above) and just this last weekend, during the day with my family....

Thursday, October 9, 2014

SugarSkull Industries Turns One Year!

Source Hola my friends!  I'm super proud to announce the one year anniversary of the blog! We made it!!!!! Commence with the champagne bottles popping, cupcake baking, nacho making.....making out? All the ways people like to celebrate. One year in, and I've learned a few things...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Season of the Witch

I have had a growing fascination with witches, lately.  Witches are almost always powerful women, embodied with supernatural abilities which they can use for good or bad.  The first witch I remember seeing was in the animated Disney movie, The Sword and the Stone.  Madame Mim, a short, tiny ugly old women nearly gets the drop on the wizard Merlin by acting crazy, cunning, and seductive, all in equal turns...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Let's Decorate for Fall - Easy DIYs

I'm so excited for fall to arrive. Even though I'm on a 3 week restrictive diet (of which I may later blog about), I still can't wait to drown my face in Pumpkin Spice Lattes, fried State Fair festival food, and mugs of Oktoberfest hefeweizen beer.  However, despite my current limitations I can totally decorate for fall without any hesitation. I don't know if any of you like to scour your local craft store for anything new and interesting...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Head West! Trip to El Paso

Whew!  Last week was a blur.  I spent Labor Day weekend going to El Paso, TX with my parents and sister to attend my grandfather's 80 birthday party.  I stayed a few more days while my family returned to work on Tuesday.  I finally got the chance to see more about my birthplace than in all of my visits before.  I know I look white as a lily, but I'm actually half Mexican through my mother's side.  My Hispanic heritage...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

5 Reasons Why I Can't Watch The Mindy Project

Ya heard me..... When The Mindy Project first appeared, I had resisted.  A female OB-GYN in the Big City didn’t seem all that poised for humor, but that’s okay because that’s not what the show really turned out to be.  Catching episodes on Hulu, I was drawn to the character of Mindy Lahiri because she is pop-cultured obsessed, loved food, and was self-confident about her body in a culture that pressures overweight women into thinking...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Summer Daze

Moira gazed at the pool.  Shades of azure mingling and sparkling in the sunlight.  Protected in the shade, the gentle heat prickled her rough,  tree bark-like skin.  She had been severely sun burned just two weeks ago, in a vain and naive attempt to add some color to her normally pale thighs and decolletage.  Which was stupid.  Almost close to thirty, and she would never learn that her Irish skin would only burn....

Monday, August 18, 2014

4 Ways To Get into the Summer Camp Trend

So, I know summer is winding down but I've been noticing that the Summer Camp Trend is still going quite strong.   There’s just something about all those uniforms, badges, and camp insignia that makes adult super nostalgic.   Now, I’ve never been to summer sleep away camp as a kid but one of my very first jobs in college was as the videographer for a boys’ summer camp off the coast of North Carolina, Camp Seagull.  The different...