Thursday, March 31, 2016

10 Things Batman V Superman; Dawn of Justice Did Right

In case you haven’t heard, critics and audiences have been trashing the new Batman V. Superman; Dawn of Justice film left and right.  While I do agree with many of the complaints, I actually liked the film.  I’ve always been a stalwart DC comic book fan but there are some points in the movie that Zack Snyder and Co, actually did right.  Obviously, spoilers will follow, but I’m guessing you are not reading this to determine whether you...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ghostbusters Reboot - I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts.....

via @paulfeig ....OR HATERS!!!!!  Surprising probably no one, there have been many vocal haters, mostly men but some women too, on social media outraged at the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot film helmed by Freaks and Geeks' Paul Feig and starring Melissa Carthy of the Bridesmaids fame. I have only really asked one such self-described lady nerd why she dislikes the Ghost-busters reboot from the trailers alone.  In short,...

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3 Tributes to the late, great Bea Arthur in Postmodern Cartoons

One of my obsessive fandoms is cartoons, which stretches all the way back to my formative years watching Batman,The Animated Series.  I have never stopped watching cartoons.  Starting in the late 90’s some cartoons have reached or succeeded the same level of storytelling as live action shows for adults.  My favorite shows of all time are Avatar; the Last Airbender and Breaking Bad, IN THAT ORDER!!! Sacrilege, I know....