Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Just What Kind of Blog Do You Think This Is?

Tell me, because I have no idea.  Seriously. I originally started this blog as an outlet for my wreath shop on Etsy, appropriately named SugarSkull Industries' (W)Reef Shop, because I love a good pun. I read online that the best way to build up an audience of which to introduce my wares was by casting a wide net into the blogosphere.  Fair enough, I thought.  Plus I love writing and telling funny stories about my childhood, like...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up - BeckFest

Source - @xxNicholixx Hello again.  Look I know I wrote about the Fear Of Missing Out on my last post, and I hate to be a hypocritical jerk but…………………………………. I went to see Beck at Edgefest this past Saturday.  Edgefest is held in the major burbs each year, Frisco, Texas to be exact, and typically showcases artists playing on Alternative Rock radio.  Not quite the eclectic artists you can find on NPR, College Radio Stations and...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fear of Missing Out

Last weekend, yes Easter Weekend of all things, I was experiencing some FOMO or the Fear of Missing Out.  There were so many free activities I had planned after a particularly stressful work week.  The was the free Late Night at the Dallas Museum Art on Friday night, the Dallas Etsy Spring Bash outdoor market Saturday morning, and of course Record Store Day with food, festivities and music all day at several shops in Dallas and...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Trying Too Hard

"Trying too hard" is a phrase that gets tossed around, usually with the cruelest intentions. " You're trying too hard" or "So and so celebrity is just trying too hard".  It implies that the speaker has a superior sense of confidence or outright coolness that the subject of the phrase, "you're trying too hard" can never attain and should be admonished for striving for in the first place. It's a mean thing to say, yet I say it all the time. Why? I...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up - Painted Plants, Game of Thrones, and Master Splinter

Welcome to the Weekend Wrap-Up! Over the weekend I went day time drinking with some strangers at a dive bar, attended an art gallery showing with my sister, and lost my mind over the new Game of Thrones episode.  Oh and also my taxes and the new Master Splinter. On Saturday I decided to attend an unofficial "Meet A Yelper"  event, which just consisted of about 12 to 15 people meeting at a local dive bar for a couple round of drinks....

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Decor Ideas for Hosting an Easter Lunch

Easter never gets all the hype the Christmas does, but it should.  I mean not just for religious reasons but because Easter coincides with a beautiful season, Spring.  I remember hunting for Easter Eggs as a child with my two younger sisters.  My mom would hide them around the house.  My younger sister S would tear around the house, showing no mercy, grabbing every egg in sight.  My mom still hides one egg in my sister’s...

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nerd Rant #3 - TM Ninja Turtles Reboot - The Next Batman Begins?

Smells like Teen Spirit.....and uhh ninjas....and tur...tles??? Ever wonder why, my dear readers, I will sometimes greet you as "my ninjas"?  This is because I have a deep affection for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, as most adults my age do. (Yes we're Adults now!)  The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or TMNT for short, were four brothers that worked as a team.  This use of "Ninja" became a term of endearment at my work,...