Friday, March 28, 2014

Let's Do Dallas - Part Three - Where to Eat!

I’m going to preface this by pointing out, yes Dallas has a lot of food, a lottttttttttt of restaurants.  Maybe not as many as Houston, but we are the birthplace of the frozen margarita and we eat out almost every night. That being said, you can find a bunch of fine dining establishment, steakhouses, trendy ramen noodle spots, Thai places with white tablecloths, sushi experiences costing almost half your paycheck and the like, which...

Monday, March 24, 2014

Let's Do Dallas - Part Two - Where to Stay and What to See

If you missed Part One, I discussed the best time to come visit Dallas but really Dallas has events and festivals year around to show you a good time. Now let's go over where to stay and what to see. Where to Stay I'm gonna level with you amigos, if you want to stay in a nice hotel, Dallas is full of them but it's also the best opportunity to rub shoulders with the rudest people in Dallas.  Sorry.  Dallas is still a culture of money,...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hello Spring! How to create the best Outdoor Space Ever!

Hello my peeps! Today is the first day of spring!  Woo-hoo!  My neck of the woods has seen bi-polar weather resulting in 40 degree lows and 80 degree highs the very next day.  It's been murder on my seasonal allergies but better than the ice and snow still plaguing the North and the Mid-West.  Hopefully the weather will calm down soon and we can enjoy the sunshine on our faces. As spring approaches, I'm looking forward...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Let’s Do Dallas - Part One

If you hadn't heard, there was a tragic event last week in Austin, TX during the South by Southwest Music Festival.  You can probably find the details online.  It was so scary to hear something like that happening in Austin, of all places.  Austin is known for many, many things but it is not, in my estimation, one of those big scary cities. I lived in Austin for two years by myself after college and I remember the bars, the...