Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

DIY Last Minute Thanksgiving Table Setting

I hardly ever act as the host for Thanksgiving dinner, I’m the oldest of three adult children but as yet I’m unmarried.  My mom is still quite young at 50 and LOVES to host.  She is our hub, she is our home base.  She has perfected her turkey skills over years of trial and error.  She makes the turkey with stuffing, gravy made with turkey drippings, cranberry cool-whip salad, strawberry pecan salad, rolls, and bakes pre-made...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thank goodness for Thanksgiving!

The essentials. Thanksgiving is not as flashy as Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentine’s Day or Fourth of July.   It stands alone as the least commercialized holiday in the United States.  There is no specific ceremony or opportunity to give gifts.  Of course it is still leaden with tradition, heavy with the expectation to gather with family. Some hate Thanksgiving.  Hate the traveling woes or straight up hate...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DIY Movember Magnets

 I'm not really sure if No-Shave Movember is still a thing, kinda of like how Fashion Night Out died a quiet death.  But who doesn't love mustaches?  It's one of the many hipster mascots that out there, along with cats, birds, and nerd glasses. Like one my favorite Portlandia skits "Put a Bird On it", you can put a mustache on ANYTHING. Just check Pinterest for "mustache" and you find coffee mugs, t-shirts, stickers,...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

(W) Reef Update #2

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..... no, seriously.  My office building has already put up a giant wreath over the entrance and the Christmas lights up. I get people wanting a head start on Christmas.  To FINALLY be ahead of the curve.  I get it.  I do.  Less than 4 weeks is not enough time for all the decorating, shopping, baking and spending time together that most people want to enjoy in December. So...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

DIY Pretzel Necklaces

In light of North Texas Beer Week, I wanted to provide a simple DIY for pretzel necklaces.  I like to make pretzel necklaces for brewery tours, beer festivals, beer tastings, and Oktoberfest.  Pretzel necklaces really have not caught on here in Dallas-Fort Worth despite our burgeoning craft beer scene. You can simply string pretzels or go for a interlocking design like the one I made below. You will need colored yarn, mini pretzels,...

Monday, November 11, 2013


Image Source I called a co-worker a b*tch the other day.  I muttered it under my breath.  AND was overheard.  AND was confronted the next day by her boss and mine. No big deal, right? But see we don't work at a nail salon, or a restaurant or any other semi-casual setting in which name calling occurs on a regular basis, like it's no big deal.  We work for a privately owned investment company run by a small number of general...